mandag 21. januar 2013

Growl it! Få en kickstart på det nye året!

2013 er her og semesteret på Sangsenteret er godt i gang med grunnkursene Sang nivå 1 og nivå 2, og vi jobber for harde livet for å følge etterspørselen etter private sangtimer! Men vi klager ikke - fantastisk flotte elever og det flotte kontor - og øvingsfelleskapet med Klangakademiet gir inspirasjon til lange dager og kvelder med undervisning, planlegging og arrangering.

Dette semesteret er det mange spennende kurs å velge i, deriblant kurset Growl it hvor Mariann Schei underviser i ulike stemme-effekter og Mariangela Demurtas fra metalbandet Tristania gjester oss med artismøte og workshop! Vi gleder oss stort til Mariangela kommer på besøk og i mellomtiden kan du bli litt bedre kjent med henne her på bloggen:

Mariangela about Mariangela

I was born with the will to sing, since i was two years old I started singing and acting in front of my parents, always making up melodies and short songs, so I kept doing it forever, like an habit.

One of my favorite artist is Lisa Dal Bello, she was very famous in the 80, and then she disappear, I love her cause her expression and voice are just sensational and unique, captivating and magic. Skin from Skunk Anansie is another one of those that I love cause of her sensational color in the voice and the passionated sound. The third here is Jeff Buckley, the sound of his voice is unforgettable nobody s else voice in my life has moved me so much into love for singing.
In my "Growl it" - workshop the focus will be on breathing and on the basic of singing, then we will talk about vocal resonance and vocalization, warming ups, expanding vocal range, vibrato and so on. After that, we will practice directly on the songs, we will talk about different styles of singing ...from blues to metal... there will be lots of demonstrations. The pupils then will have the chance to perform a song each and work together with the teacher, they will be helped to find solutions wherever they find difficult to sing. Finally we will talk about stage and rules of a singer. Looking foward to the workshop!

mer info og påmelding til Growl it finner du her.